Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fifteen Meditations on Masculinist Physico-Spiritual Experience :: Philosophical Philosophy essays

Fifteen Meditations on Masculinist Physico-Spiritual Experience I am not my body, I am not my mind, I am not my soul. I am the breath of life, I am the breath of God. A golden retriever was once abused by a man and rescued by a woman who had a daughter in an all-girls Catholic high school. I paid them a visit one day. The dog stood behind the clear plastic door, wagging her tail, but as I ascended the steps she suddenly soured, and by the time the door opened and I was inside, she was cowering under the dining room table where she stayed for the duration of my visit with intermittent miserable howls. "She won't have anything to do with men," my friend explained. Even the scent of testosterone has its spiritual message. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. The founder of modern philosophy had a number of disciples who applied the master's theoretical teachings in the practical field of dog-torturing. They felt these experiments demonstrated the superiority of man as a spiritual creature. Rene Descartes wanted to rewrite the philosophical canon by asserting only what he knew to be true or could logically derive. Sequestered in a stove-heated room, he realized he could doubt that his body, or even the whole world, existed, but he could not doubt was that he was thinking. I think, therefore I am. Descartes is a spiritual, immaterial, thinking thing; the rest is mere body, a separate substance. Continuing in this vein, he determined that human beings are the only animals who have souls. Therefore humans are the only animals who can think, feel, experience, or matter to God. I am going to drive nails through this dog's paws. I am going to vivisect its chest and show you its beating heart-such awesome machinery, praise the Architect on high! Its howls, this deafening din of a universe shattering-a purely mechanistic response! I am taking over this operation. If you cringe, you may leave, and don't come back. The serious student of philosophy thinks with his mind, not his body; his soul, not his flesh. Air my breath and fire my spirit, earth my body, water my blood. Tertullian, who lived in the Roman city of Carthage in the third century, was a sensual man who loved spectacles. After seeing how bravely Christian prisoners endured public torture, humiliation, and death, he became intrigued with the persecuted religion and eventually converted.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Burn Case Study

Mr. Davis is a 56-year-old man who was involved in a fire in his home. He was smoking a cigarette and fell asleep, dropping the cigarette and igniting the bed linens. He sustained full thickness burns over the upper half of his trunk and neck (anterior and posterior) and the posterior aspects of both upper arms. He also sustained superficial partial-thickness burns to his face and hands. He arrived at your burn unit 5 hours after injury. Labs were drawn. A foley catheter and NG tube were inserted in the ER. Assessment findings: Height is 72 inches, weight is 185 lbs.You auscultate wheezes in the patient’s lungs and he has a productive cough of a small amount of carbon-tinged sputum. Mr. Davis rates his pain at a â€Å"9† on a scale of 0-10. He denies pain at the chest, neck, back, and upper arms. Urine output has totaled 150 ml since the foley was inserted 2 hours ago. His foley is draining burgundy-colored urine. Mr. Davis is experiencing nausea, has faint bowel sounds , and his abdomen is distended. A nasogastric tube was inserted to low intermittent suction and is draining dark yellow-green liquid.His extremities are edematous making the pulses difficult to palpate. His blood pressure is 96/50, pulse 114 beats per minute, respirations are 24, and temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The greatest initial threat to a patient with a major burn is hypovolemic shock. Using the above assessment: 1. Do you think Mr. Davis is experiencing hypovolemic shock? If so, what data supports this? (2 points) Yes, Mr. Davis is most likely experiencing hypovolemic shock, due to low blood pressure, increased heart rate, as well as an increase in respiratory rate.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Overpopulation Essay - 1395 Words

Have you ever heard the metaphor â€Å"packed in like sardines†? You could only imagine how uncomfortable it would be. Picture a couple. This couple has three children, and these three children each have a spouse and three children of their own. Now picture these seventeen people all living in one room. Would you feel a little crowded, maybe claustrophobic? How soon before panic would set in, and you find yourself needing space? Now imagine that even if you could leave this room, the situation outside is no better. Did you know there is a world population clock on the United States Census Bureau website that increases by one number in less than one second? It stood at 7,421,546,950 as of 19:36 Central Time (CT), 16 September 2017. It†¦show more content†¦Gioietta Kuo’s (2012) article â€Å"MegaCrisis? Overpopulation Is the Problem† reports there are over a billion people with no access to food, clean water, or sanitation (p. 23-24). Furthermore, the number of people without these resources will only intensify with any increase in the world’s population. The overpopulation problem also stems from a lack of contraceptive use due to cost, availability, and current political changes. Cecile Richards’ article â€Å"Protection and Expanding Access to Birth Control† discusses Americas’ need for defending the current access to birth control, but also the need for increasing available birth control. Despite the fact, there are many programs that help reduce the cost of contraceptives, one’s preferred method may still be expensive (Richards, 2016, p. 1). There are many forms of birth control available today and many do not require a daily regimen. Choosing a method based on cost could decrease the likely hood of effectiveness. The Affordable Care Act required health insurance to provide, at no expense, â€Å"preventive care services† (Richards, 2016, p. 1). This program offers many Americans, with insurance, birth control for the first time. Meanwhile, policies that are in review by the current govern ment leadership are threatening to cut funding and/or the complete removal of these programs that offer affordable access (Richards, 2016, p. 2). At this current time, these programs remain in the United States.Show MoreRelatedOverpopulation Essay1193 Words   |  5 PagesOverpopulation can be described as a situation where the number of people exhausts the resources in a closed environment such that it can no longer support that population. I would like to begin with a scenario given by Anne Morse and Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute- Imagine that someone locked us in our offices. Nothing allowed in or out. We would use the available resources very quickly. The office would have too many people for its natural resources. Should we start eliminatingRead More Overpopulation of the Earth Essay1698 Words   |  7 PagesOverpopulation of the Earth The little animatronic children at Disney World were right, it is â€Å"a small world after all†; maybe even too small. At the beginning of the present century there were approximately 1.7 billion people in the world(Southwick pg.159). Today, there are nearly 6 billion people in the world. The world’s population has more than tripled in the span of a hundred years. Given that the earth’s population is constantly on the rise and seeing as how our natural resources areRead MoreOverpopulation Essay906 Words   |  4 Pagestake appropriate measures. If the current rate of population growth remains the same, then earth will run out of the land and resources we consume to maintain our lifestyles. The term overpopulation is normally associated with a specific number that represents a large number of people. However, overpopulation is the phenomenon that occurs whenever the environment can no longer sustain the demands of the species that inhabit it and the carrying capacity is exceeded. The carrying capacity is theRead MoreEssay On Overpopulation1683 Words   |  7 Pagesexplore some of the problems associated with a rapidly growing population leading to overpopulation, such as an increase in hunger, a loss of land, and a loss of resources received from the land. We will discuss when the problem began and the history of how fast the world’s population has multiplied from the lack of contraception assistance due to cost or availability; consequently, resulting in the overpopulation problem. Furthermore, I will purpose the righting of these problems will contributeRead MoreEssay On Overpopulation1030 Words   |  5 PagesHuman overpopulation occurs when the ecologica l footprint of a human population in a specific location exceeds the carrying capacity of the place occupied by that group. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term perspective, as existing when a population cannot be maintained given the rapid depletion of nonrenewable resources or given the degradation of the of the environment to give support to the population. Overpopulation is a problem that needs to be solved. Concern about overpopulationRead MoreEssay On Overpopulation1140 Words   |  5 Pagesaccept in this country all migrants. The overpopulated world will soon suffer from this impact due to the lack of food, energy, and jobs. There is no life without a food source, we need to have enough food to sustain us until, our untimely demise. Overpopulation will lead to water shortage and will decline food production and depend on the birth rate around the nation so countries will experience sooner than others. The larger the population the scarce the source of food becomes (Moses, 2015). Over theRead MoreEssay on Overpopulation3073 Words   |  13 PagesOverpopulation It is the worlds one crime its babes grow dull, Its poor are ox-like, limp and leaden-eyed. Not that they starve, but starve so dreamlessly, Not that they sow, but that they seldom reap, Not that they serve, but have no gods to serve, Not that they die but that they die like sheep. VACHEL LINDSAY No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main... Any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind: And thereforeRead MoreHuman Overpopulation Essay1969 Words   |  8 Pagesthe severity of the issue but shows that no country will escape. A war for water would cause Israels financial and political backers, the Western World, to step forward, directly involving themselves in one of the many issues caused by overpopulation. Overpopulation will affect the economy also. â€Å"When women have too many children which they can’t care for, the ripple effects are both local and global,† says Amy Coen, head of the US-based Population Action International. Experts predict that thereRead MoreHuman Overpopulation Essay1109 Words   |  5 PagesHuman Overpopulation Increasing human overpopulation throughout the world is one of the biggest global issues addressed in the 21st century. This concept negatively affects almost every aspect of society: extinction of plants/animals or habitats, over use of natural resources, climate change, and other environmental problems (â€Å"As World’s Human†). This continual predicament needs to be corrected by intensified human productive abilities and a global law that will stimulate positive outcomes acrossRead MoreOverpopulation and the Environment Essay2022 Words   |  9 Pagesextraordinary proportions. Out of all the continents in the world, Africa’s population is increasing the most. The type of growth here is exponential. â€Å"Overpopulation is a condition when an organisms numbers exceeds the carrying of its ecological niche.† The growth rate of a population is equal to the birth rate minus the death rate. Therefore, for overpopulation to occur, the birth rate must surpa ss the death rate (Wiley). The current population of Nigeria is estimated to be 155,215,573. Most of the population